Sunday, January 15, 2012

Techified - Just Another Premium Wordpress Themes

It’s been a long time I haven’t release new Wordpress Theme. So here it is:
Theme Name: Techified
This theme is suitable for all niche, especially if you want to start a technology related blog such as mobile phones, computer, or notebook reviews.
- Professional, clean and sleek design
- Tested with latest wordpress version (2.7)
- Animated drop down menu (Powered by Mootools)
- 2 columns
- Animated featured area (Powered by SmoothGallery 2.0)
- banner placement ready (customizable via option page)
- Integrated feedburner email subscribe form
- Custom MyBlogLog Widget
- Compatible with all major browsers
- Option page available to set theme setting (feedburner settings, ads settings, featured list, etc..)
- Valid XHTML Validation
Live Demo & Download:
1. Copy the theme file to wordpress theme directory (wp-content/themes/). You can use FTP.
2. From your ftp client, chmod ‘777′ your wordpress uploads folder. This folder should be located at wp-content/uploads. If it doesn’t exist (usually for new wordpress installation), just create a new one.
3. The tc_plugins folder contains an optional plugins used by Techified theme. Copy it to your wordpress plugin directory and activate it accordingly from wordpress admin.
4. Activate Techified theme from wordpress admin
5. Once theme is activated, wordpress will add additional menu - ‘Techified Settings’. Below are instructions for each field:
a. Feedburner uri - Email subscribe uri link. You can find this link under ‘Publicize->Email Subscriptions’ at your feedburner control panel. For example, my email subscribe link is ‘’, then you just need to put ‘technology/tricks’ in this field.
b. MyBlogLog ID - MyBlogLog provide the visitor tracker for your website. Once you log into your MyBlogLog account and add your website, you can find your website MyBlogLogID at the address bar of your browser or your website MyBlogLog tracking code. See example - mbl
c. Right 300×250 ads code - just put anything there… adsense or whatever ads.
d. For featured posts, just follow the instruction there and you’ll be fine.. But remember the post, 602×245 image and 100×75 image is required.
If you feel lost, you can check out the sample settings for my demo site: techified setting
Bugs and Fixes:
6/14/2009 - Comment display - Fixed
6/16/2009 - WPPageNavi extend button display incorrectly - Fixed
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